...There is a voice that speaks no words...LISTEN.

What is so wonderful about yoga is that it acts as a mirror, letting us view a reflection of ourselves.  Most of the time we go through the day, not realizing our mirror is layered with dust.  Using the movements of the body and the breath, we are able to challenge ourselves and remove the dust left behind by our thoughts, memories, judgements and expectations.  We come to better understand ourselves, find more compassion, and discover more truth.  In the practice of yoga we are able to slow the movements of the body and silence the voices of our mind, allowing us to listen to the deeper voices coming from within, the voices of our inner wisdom. 

**Monday 5:30 - 6:45pm at the Golden Mandala (GoldenMandala.com)

417 B Broad Street Nevada City (behind Mana Beads)

**Every other Saturday 11- 12:30 at Kinfolk Yoga (KinfolkYoga.com)

204 West Main Street # 104 Grass Valley (in back of Alpha Building)